COVID-19 Market Adjustments
Greetings Neighbors:
We wanted to take a moment to share some news about Cheverly Community Market (CCM) efforts to safely bring fresh food to Cheverly. Keep reading for information about the one remaining pre-order-only pickup on May 16th, and a bit about our June 6th Market Day Opener.
CCM COVID-19 Safety
In an effort to keep everyone as safe as possible while continuing to provide the essential service of providing fresh food to our communities, and to adhere to social distancing requirements in Maryland, Cheverly Community Market will be implementing and enforcing safety protocols. If you are participating in the May 16th pre-order pickup you must follow these rules. Detailed guidelines for regular season markets are being developed and will be publicized by the end of May. Please be assured that we are working as always to prioritize the safety of our community.
May 16th Pre-order Only Pickup
There will be one more pre-order only pickup before the regular market season starts. You must preorder online by 10pm Thursday May 14. There will be only two vendors:
To place an order with Shlagel Farms for produce (including strawberries!), eggs & chicken, please use their site: https://cheverlydrop.square.site/
To place an order with Meatcrafters, please email Alex at Alexmejia1223@hotmail.com.
Ahead of picking up your orders, you must review the pick-up logistics and customer expectations.
June 6th Market Opener
The CCM board is working with Cheverly administration and county organizations to develop a plan for our regular season markets. As you can imagine, we will not be able to operate as we are used to. We will communicate the details of the modified market before the end of May. We hope to be a source of comfort and nourishment during this time.
Well wishes,
Cheverly Community Market